An airport runway lighting system plays a crucial part in an airfield, and if you are wondering exactly what the different colours mean, then you have come to the right place. Here at Up N Atom Electrical, we are qualified and highly skilled electricians who provide services across various industries, including for airport airfields.
Now, onto airport runway lights and their colours – here is what you need to know.
White, blinking or steady, and unidirectional lights form the approach lights of the runway. They are the first lights that a pilot will see as they begin to land, showing which direction the runway is. You may also find a selection of white, red, and yellow lights for more complex approach systems, usually in big airports.
A flashing white light is known as the runway threshold identification light (RTIL) and indicates the start of a runway – there are two of these on either side of the runway.
Green, unidirectional lights are used as the threshold lights, highlighting the ‘safe-to-land’ part of the runway (but not where aircrafts land).
White/White, White/Yellow, White/Red, Yellow/Red
These lights are bidirectional and make up the runway edge lights. Depending on the complexity of the runway, the combination of colours can differ. The more colours you see, the more complicated the airfield is.
Unidirectional red lights are used as runway end lights to signify the end of a runway.
Omnidirectional red lights are also utilised as obstruction aviation lights, illuminating obstructions.
A bidirectional green/red lighting combination indicates the runway threshold end – used to save money instead of having both unidirectional green and unidirectional red lights.
Blue lights are installed on taxiways and aprons where an aircraft moves after it has landed.
There are many more lights at an airfield, but we’ve touched upon the most common ones. At Up N Atom Electrical, we specialise in a wide range of services for the aviation industry, including the installation and maintenance of an airport runway lighting system. As expert electricians, you can count on us to provide exceptional solutions, delivered at the highest of standards – we can ensure that your airport runways are ICAO and CAA compliant. Get a quote by reaching out to us today.